CONTACT US: 320.230.6633
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How much do lessons cost?
Click here for cost of lessons
2. What should I sign my child up for?
To create a positive learning environment and for the best results our lessons are first divided by age and second by ability.
Little Splashers: 9-24 Months (Max 7 students)
Little Blues: 2 and 3 year olds (Max 3 Students)
Middle Blues: 3 and 4 year olds (Max 4 Students)
Big Reds and Jr. Splash Team: 5-7 year olds (Max 4 Students)
Great Whites, Splash Team, and Splash Club: 8+ (Max 4 Students)
For specific abilities please view our class descriptions or call us for a individualized assessment over the phone or to sign up for a FREE in water assessment at (320) 230-6633.
3. Can I withdrawal from lessons?
The $25.00 New Family Processing Fee is non-refundable. If a child is withdrawn from a class prior to the 1st day of a session (ie: Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer), you will receive an in-house credit for the full face value of the session. If a child is withdrawn from a class after the 1st day of a session (ie: Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer), you will receive an in-house credit (no refunds) less a $5.00 withdrawal fee and less a per-lesson fee for any lessons already taken. In house credits may only be applied to class registration fee.
4. Does Jack Splash refund lessons or provide make up days?
Maintaining the highest quality lesson program is our top priority. Adding children to other classes for make-up lessons can lead to less productive lessons for the children in that class. It is for this reason; we do not offer make-up lessons. We encourage parents to bring their children to all scheduled lessons. There are no refunds or credits for missed classes.
5. What happens if there are two or fewer students signed up for a class?
Classes with fewer than two students enrolled may be cancelled.
6. Do I need to change classes during a session if my child has progressed to the next level?
No. Instructors at Jack Splash Swim School are trained to assess students skills and abilities individually. If the student has successfully completed all skills for their class, our instructors will continue teaching your child skills from the next level up.
7. Can I request a specific instructor?
Requests for instructors will be accepted, however, we cannot guarantee the availability of requested instructors.
8. Does Jack Splash Swim School offer Private and Semi-Private Lessons?
Yes. Please call our front office at (320) 230-6633 for additional information and pricing.
9. What is the difference between the 11-Week Session and 2-Week Camps?
11-Week Sessions are offered four times a year: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. They run once a week for 30 minutes for 11 weeks. All Class are typically 30 minutes long with the exception of Splash Team (45 min) and Splash Club (1 hour).
2-Week Camps are offered three to four times each summer and 2 weeks in December. They run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays for 30 minutes for two weeks.
10. My child will not get in the water, what should I do?
A child may want to try sitting on the side of the pool with their class for the first lesson. Parents may sit with their child. It may be necessary to move the child to another class level. (Subject to class availability)
What should I sign my child up for?
Does Jack Splash refund lessons or provide make up days?
What happens if there are only one or two students signed up for a class?
Do I need to change classes during a session if my child has progressed to the next level?
Can I request a specific instructor?
Does Jack Splash Swim School offer Private and Semi-Private lessons?
What is the difference between the 11-Week Session and 2-Week Camps?